Monday, December 19, 2011


Here's a seasonal story inspired by the very creative 

This time of year can be really stressful.
The kids can be difficult...lazy couch potatoes or...


Even the dogs get in the act.

Sometimes I wish a blizzard would blow in and I could just hibernate through the whole season.

Since hibernation is only a fantasy, I have been practicing getting in touch with my old seasonal stories that need letting go and creating stories that put a spring in my step.

Travel to a tropical beach...

or a bustling city might be nice, but isn't necessary.

And most certainly, oodles of presents do not a perfect Christmas make.

Especially presents requiring exhausting physical feats, or...

crazy making escapades.

What if the focus was on the happy...

and fun...

and came from a place of love (not fear of another "bad/imperfect" Christmas).

There would be dancing...

and singing...

and sparkles...

and growing of love!

YES! A calm and peaceFULL story of being open to the laughter and love of the season!

Love shining bright!

Letting the bah humbug stories go!


  1. Wishing you a happy and fun, bright and sparkly, calm and peaceful Christmas - filled with lots of dancing, love and laughter!

  2. A perfect Christmas full of LOVE, LAUGHTER, fun, calm and peaceful times!! I am up for it lets make our story!! Merry Christmas dear friend thanks for the visit!!

  3. What a lovely uplifting story!!! You've got so many wonderful fun Christmas prints!
